Our Ambassadors, Al Fadiga and Saud Ahmed, work across the FSQ BID area, Monday to Friday 9am - 6pm.
They are on hand to assist with:
Advising on area history, wayfinding and local tourism
General community liaison
Anti-social behaviour crimes
Street environment
Litter and fly tipping
Road safety
The Ambassador team ensure the area is as safe and clean as possible while also providing a welcoming face so the area can be enjoyed to the maximum by the local workforce and visitors alike.
We work closely with the police, City of London Corporation and surrounding businesses to keep the district well managed, clean and safe.
Please get in touch if there is anything we can do to help within the district.
Business Visits in April 2024
Cleansing cases reported
Environmental Issues reported
Visitor Welcomes

Al holds a wealth of ambassador experience having previously held positions with three Business Improvement Districts before joining Fleet Street Quarter. He has supported launching teams, acting as the Environment Manager ambassador supervisor and overseeing programmes in Baker Street, Northbank and Holborn.
"As the ambassador face of Fleet Street Quarter, the role consists of welcoming people by offering to give directions to those who need, and supporting with this vibrant patch of the City of London. We focus our time on environmental reporting and removing any hazards to pedestrians - and keeping the area free from graffiti and flyposting. I enjoy business visits and promoting everything the Fleet Street Quarter area has to offer. With so much history, and so much camaraderie, there is a good future ahead here!"

Saud has almost a decade experience working in the public and private sector, and also holds a Bachelor of Arts which he gained before becoming pursuing a career as an Ambassador.
"As an ambassador, I ensure the upkeep of the Fleet Street Quarter BID by conducting street management duties, working in partnership with local businesses and reporting any infrastructure street issues. I evaluate the work and jobs as we go while engaging with the businesses involved, surveying all participation and conducting audits on any changes within the footprint."