Wednesday 18 September, 12pm – 2pm • Cursitor Street Pocket Park, WC2A 1HP

Many businesses are now using cargo bikes rather than vehicles for transport goods to their customers. Not only are they cheaper than vans, they are 1.6 times faster!
Cargo bikes are specially designed bikes for carrying heavy loads, large items or multiple passengers. They come in a variety of sizes and designs depending on the intended use. Some also come with electric motors that help you when you pedal so that you can go up hills more easily or travel longer distances.
Fleet Street Quarter have teamed up with the Zero Emissions Network, the City of London, and the City of Westminster for our Cargo Bike Cruise event on Cursitor Street. Participants will have the opportunity to take a ride (either as a passenger or rider) on a cargo bike to test whether it would be a suitable option for their business. You'll also be able to discuss all things cargo bike with the Zero Emissions Network team, and find out about upcoming grant opportunities that they are offering in partnership with the Fleet Street Quarter to local businesses.
The City of London Police will also be offering free bike security marking for cyclists. Bike security marking is a highly effective, visible deterrent to bike thieves. They know that if they are caught with a registered bike, the owner can be traced and they will be arrested.
We'll also have Dr Bike on hand ready to perform any bike repairs you might need completely free.